Get in the 2025-26 Local Food Guide!

It’s time to Get in the Guide!

GardenShare is calling farmers, retail & restaurants showcasing local food, and local businesses, programs, or organizations to list and/or advertise in the 2025-26 Local Food Guide. The guide features information about farms & CSAs, farmers markets, farm stands, businesses, and restaurants that provide locally-grown food. It also includes customer resources for food assistance programs and an online local product index.

To ensure that we have accurate information available to local food fans, we will be removing any listings not renewed for the 2025-26 edition.

What are the benefits of putting an ad or listing in the Local Food Guide?

  • 18,000 paper copies are distributed throughout the county – North Country This Week, hospitals, restaurants, schools, human services agencies, local businesses, and more.
  • 6,000+ copies are mailed directly to local food lovers.
  • GardenShare’s online Food Guide includes expanded search features, maps, and photos. This is especially useful for businesses that still need a website or social media presence.

How to get in the Guide:

  • Farms or Retail/Restaurant featuring local foods: $25 provides your with a listing in the print and online Food Guide. We encourage including up to two sentences about your farm/products to share with customers. 
  • Advertisers: To capture the attention of potential customers, we offer full-color advertising space in different sizes at very reasonable price points for local businesses.

Payment must be received by Monday March 3, 2025.

Ad Rates
Premium Page (Color)    $900           Back page, inside front cover, or inside back page available
Full page (color)               $625            7.5 X 10
Half Page                          $300            7.5 x 4.88 (horizontal) OR 3.6 x 10 (vertical)
Quarter Page                    $200            3.6 x 4.88
Business Card                  $115              3.6 x 2.32
Add color to Half, Quarter, or Business Card for $50

Deadline: Monday March 3, 2025

Forms may be submitted through the mail or online using the files found at the top of this page. Download and email the completed form to GardenShare at
Payments can also be submitted online through our donate page.
Local Food Guides will be distributed in May 2025.

If there are any questions about listing or submitting an ad, contact us! 
Mailing Address: GardenShare, PO Box 516, Canton, NY 13617
Phone: (315) 261-8054 