Bonus Bucks

Bonus Bucks Applications for 2025 Will Be Available Soon

Stretch your food dollars, support your local farmer, and take advantage of the great local food we have right here in St. Lawrence County. It’s a win-win for everyone! GardenShare’s Bonus Bucks program offers a cost-sharing arrangement with income-eligible St. Lawrence County residents to participate in a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Share or to purchase at any of the following five St. Lawrence County farmers markets: Canton, Potsdam, Massena, Gouverneur, and Hammond.

GardenShare’s Bonus Bucks program is a way to double your money at your local St. Lawrence County farmers market or to receive financial assistance for your Community Supported Agriculture Share.

How It Works


Determine if you meet the income criteria for eligibility:

If you have 1 person in your household, your annual income must be less than $37,650.

If you have 2 people in your household, your annual income must be less than $51,100.

If you have 3 people in your household, your annual income must be less than $64,550.

If you have 4 people in your household, your annual income must be less than $78,000.

If you have 5 or more people in your household, your annual income must be less than $91,450.

Please note, if you are a dependent on someone else’s tax return who does not meet these levels, you do not qualify for Bonus Bucks.


Choose one of the following Bonus Bucks options

Option 1: Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Share

Through this option, you can work with one of the local producers to pre-purchase a “share” for the growing season. In essence, you become an investor in the farm and, in exchange, you are guaranteed a return in produce at regular intervals throughout the season. Every farmer has slightly different arrangements with their “investors” so it is important for you to connect directly with the farmer in advance to determine which arrangement will work best for you. 

With this option, GardenShare’s Bonus Bucks will cover half of the original cost of the share, up to $300.  For example, if you choose a share that costs $350, we will match half of that cost. You pay $175 and we give you $175 Bonus Bucks to cover the rest. If you choose a share that costs $650, half of which is $325, you would receive $300 Bonus Bucks. 

You may be able to pay for the rest of your share with your EBT/SNAP benefits. If this option interests you, please call for details: 315-261-8054.

Option 2: St. Lawrence County Farmers Market Purchases

Purchase up to 6 Bonus Bucks Farmers Market Cards worth $100 each directly from GardenShare and we will match
your purchase costs up to $300 (6 cards, $600 total). For example, if you purchase the maximum of $600, you pay $300
and we pay $300. If you purchased 1 card (worth $100), you pay $50 and we pay $50. You may also choose a value less
than $100, for instance if you choose to purchase $60, we pay $30, and you pay $30.

The cards are then yours to be exchanged at any of the five (5) St. Lawrence County farmers market managers’ tables for Bonus Bucks tokens that can be used as cash at the market for any SNAP eligible items. The tokens do not expire. 

This option is NOT available to SNAP recipients as there are other farmers market incentive programs we sponsor specifically for families receiving SNAP.


Once you have made your choice and decided what you wish to spend, fill out GardenShare’s Bonus Bucks application and submit payment.

All information must be provided as requested in order for your application to be considered. We will begin accepting Bonus Bucks applications on March 1, 2024, and will continue until all funds are expended or the end of the calendar year is reached. Applications can be completed using the fillable document below and emailed to info@gardenshare, or printed and mailed to GardenShare at P.O. Box 516, Canton, NY 13617

Limit: one per household per year.


When the application and payment are received by GardenShare, we will review them and contact you to finalize the process.


Enjoy the amazing local food St. Lawrence County has to offer and help build a strong local food system! 

For more information, reach us at 315-261-8054 or

Tax-deductible donations to GardenShare help make local food affordable for people on limited incomes. Click here to make a donation to help extend Bonus Bucks to more families.