P2 Food Market (Potsdam Central School)
The P2 Food Market is a student-run food pantry located at the Potsdam High School that helps to provide the students and their families access to food as well as personal hygiene products. The food pantry also works to educate the community about food insecurity and reducing stigma around food assistance programs.
Contact us: p2foodmarket@potsdam.k12.ny.us
How to Donate:
Pick up: Call ahead to schedule a pick up
Delivery: Donations can be dropped off at donation boxes that are located at all three schools (Elementary, Middle, and High School). There are teams of students who help to unload larger donations off of trucks and vehicles onto carts that then are brought to the pantry on the second floor via the elevator.
What to Donate: Any non-perishable dry goods and fresh produce. Prefer bulk. Produce must be fresh. Personal hygiene products.
Does not accept: No simple sugars(candy, etc.) and no frozen food.
Accepting Volunteers: No
COVID-19 Protocol: Mask-wearing required
Last Updated: August 2022