Support GardenShare

Donate to GardenShare

GardenShare welcomes your financial contribution. Donations make our work to promote a local food system that ensures food security for all possible. Your gift will support numerous GardenShare programs including those below:

To make a donation online click the button below, to donate through Venmo scan the QR code with your Venmo app!

gardenshare venmo qr code
Three women holding produce and smiling at the camera

Become a GardenShare Sustainer

GardenShare Sustainers are individuals, businesses, and organizations that commit to financially supporting the organization for three or more consecutive years.

As a small organization, we are vulnerable to economic fluctuations and state and federal budget constraints. A commitment of ongoing support helps us plan ahead, and ensures that we’ll have funding to continue to run the programs that help make our community a great place to find fresh, local food, regardless of income.

GardenShare Sustainers are a valuable part of our organization, providing financial stability and sharing valuable insights that help shape our programs and our thinking about important local food justice issues.

Sustainers who make a multi-year pledge of support

  • Do not receive our semi-annual fund appeals.
  • Are invited to our annual Sustainer reception.
  • Receive invitations for special-access events, for example, dinner with a guest speaker.
  • Sustainers making an annual donation of $500 or more receive a GardenShare apron.

Stay Up To Date With GardenShare

An electronic payment machine

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